The McArthur kids

The McArthur kids
Sunset on Tybee Island

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We met the Wiggles...again!

I know, everyone was fairly excited the first time we met the Wiggles, not much noise was made the second time we met them, so I'm not sure if anyone cares anymore that we just met them a third time. The difference now is that Devon was finally old enough to come with us. I was determined to go at least one more time so that we had a picture of us with the Wiggles with Devon in it. They normally come to Atlanta in November, so when I heard they were coming in August I knew that it would be a good way to surprise Bailey. We made our shirts the night before while I pretended that we were just getting ready for the concert really early. I didn't tell them where we were going, and when we pulled up Bailey about died! She had decided that she wanted to be the fifth Wiggle, who is a different kid every day before the show, because it can be a bog or a girl. That's why she's wearing a green shirt. We showed up early for the meet and greet the kids were really excited!

They brought us out into the arena this time, and they sat us in the fold down seats. The Wiggles then came out into the arena and lined up behind our seats in the row above us for the picture. Now we finally have a picture with Devon in it!

Anthony's head was shaved and we never did learn why. Bailey said "Anthony, where's your hair?" and he said "I don't know, it's gone!" which is what he's saying here.

They always take the time to stop and talk to Landon for a minute before they move on, so this is Anthony and Murray chatting with him a little bit about his shirt.

He actually tapped them on the back and got to talk to them more than his share once they had moved on to other families, but I don't think it hurt anything. They're really nice guys and acted glad to turn around and say hello to him again.

I'm glad that Landon acted like he knew who they were, because that's the main reason I keep letting myself get drug back to these concerts. It just seems like he is more and more aware of what's really going on, and I want him to fully understand that he is really meeting the Wiggles that he watches every day. So the more aware he gets the more I want to take him. So after the Wiggles went backstage again, we moved on down to the floor of the arena to our seats. We were in the second row this time, which was neither easy or cheap to obtain, so Devon had a good view his first concert.

I kept trying to get pictures of them with the concert going on behind them, but I mostly just ended up with pictures of the back of their heads.

They all three acted like they had a great time, so I'm glad that we got to go, but honestly I'm ready to retire. I love the Wiggles and think that they're really fun and super nice guys, but going to the concerts is starting to get to be exhausting! Poor Devon has only gone once, but I can't even count how many Bailey has gone to. We'll have to see how I feel the next time they come through.

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