The McArthur kids

The McArthur kids
Sunset on Tybee Island

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Landon's Birthday

I am taking a short break from studying for my exams tonight so that I can go ahead and post about Landon's birthday. We didn't have a party or make a big deal about it, but we hung out together and had a pretty good time! He also understood the concept much better this year and I let him help me pick out his Mickey Mouse birthday plates for his class the day before. He kept saying "Landon birthday party at school tomorrow?" and I would say yes, and he would jump around and get excited. He is normally a little hard to get moving in the mornings because he wants to get on the computer instead of getting ready for school, but the morning of his birthday was much easier! He kept talking about his birthday party at school and he was excited to go! I took him over his gluten free cake with a rainbow on top to his classroom because that's what they were studying at school, and all the kids ate it without making any faces or anything. When everyone got home from school, I tried to come up with ideas to make it a more exciting day than usual, so we grabbed our swim suits and rode over to the lake on the golf cart. We chose the lake instead of the pool for obvious reasons. It was a gorgeous day and the lake was calming and fun. The water was a bit cool but they all three played around for a long time and acted like it didn't bother them.
It could be because they were jumping around so much.

After swimming, they requested that we go eat at McDonald's, a suggestion that made me hesitate because it makes my tummy feel unhappy, but I figured that it wasn't an unreasonable birthday request. So they put their clothes back on while giving anyone driving or walking by a strip show, and we headed over on the beautiful cart paths by the lake. On the way, we passed a group of high school kids that had tied a rope to a tree and were swinging into the water, so we had to stop and watch because Landon was beside himself with laughter every time one of them jumped in.
Here's a short video of that.

At McDonald's, the kids played more than they ate, which is typical, but they all played together and were nice which is not typical.

It was starting to get close to bath and bed time so we got back on the golf cart and started the journey back to the house. The kids decided that they were too wound up to just sit on the golf cart and ride home, so they all three got off and started running down the path next to the golf cart. There wasn't anyone around so I let them do it for a few minutes just to make sure they were all tired out when we got home, because they had certainly already worn me out.
Here they are running down the path next to the golf cart:

All in all, it was a fairly regular day. No big party or craziness, but we packed the day full of time together and we had a good time! Poor Ben didn't get home until really late, but Landon stayed up to see him and show him how he can ride his new bike. So little Landon is five now and will be starting kindergarten in the fall! It's so crazy but I really feel like he's been around much longer than that! Sorry there wasn't any big crazy story this time, but I'm certainly not! Our days have been fairly normal since the pool incident, and I really have needed the beak! Well, I have two finals tonight and one tomorrow so back to work! Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. How fun to see everybody having such a great time. Love Gr'pa and Gr'ma McArthur
