First of all, there was a day where Landon did a few things here and there that made me wonder if he was trying to see how much I could take before I lost it. We had dropped Bailey off at her dance class and so I took the boys to Chic fil A to eat and play on the playground until she was finished. When we got there the boys ran to the playground and I got in line to order. As I was standing there reading the menu I saw a streak of red go by (which could only be Landon in his Murray Wiggles shirt, which is all he wears now) and I saw that the red shirt was all he had on! He was wearing his underwear but for some reason he had stripped off his pants and shoes inside the playground and decided to run around the restaurant. He is just so tall that it looks like a third grader is running around with no pants on and it just looks odd. There was a large group of high school girls right behind me and I was sure they were going to get loud and laugh and make a big deal about it, which would call attention to him more. I went ahead and yelled at him to get his pants on, and he turned around and ran back to the playground and I braced myself for the backlash that always comes from the people around me, but no one said anything! The high school girls barely looked at him or acted like he was strange and didn't even look at each other like "What's wrong with that kid?" I greatly appreciated it! So because no one freaked out and he got his pants right back on it turned out to be very minimal compared to how it could have been. I even tried to get a picture of him putting his pants on in the playground but he was too fast for me.
We later got back in the car and went to pick up Bailey and we ended up being pretty early. She and her class were learning a little dance number and Landon stood with his face pressed against the glass door watching every bit of it. Later they asked all the parents to come in and watch them all do their dance so we went in to see it. The girls lined up and the music started and Landon decided that he knew the dance as well as they did so he jumped up, got in line and danced with them! I was going to grab him but Bailey's teacher didn't act like she cared at all and he was doing a pretty good job so I just let him stay up there. Here is the video of some of it. It was the class before Halloween which is why they are wearing costumes.
Last night, though, Ben came upstairs to get back to work on his homework and he found that someone had written in his notebook. He said "Bailey, did you write 'cats' in my notebook?" She was confused and said she didn't do it. That made us even more confused. We looked at it and it was obviously a kid's hand writing. Ben asked her again if she did it, and said she wasn't in trouble, but we needed to know if she really did do it. She insisted she hadn't done it. Then Landon came in, walked right over to the notebook and pointed at the writing and said "cats" and then walked out again. I had no idea that he could read the word "cats" let alone write it. I was especially impressed with his "s" because that's tricky for anyone. Here's what it looked like.

It looks pretty good for someone having Occupational Therapy to teach him how to hold his pencil the right way.
Bailey had lost her two front teeth and it was exciting for her because everyone else lost theirs a long time ago. The only problem is that she has my tiny mouth and her permanent teeth had nowhere to come in. The little gap that was left from her baby teeth was nowhere near big enough for her new teeth so they ended up being partially behind her baby teeth that are next to the gap and they pushed them up and out and made her look like she has two rows of teeth! You can see it a little bit in this picture but it wasn't that bad yet here.

She called them her snaggle teeth and we had to take her to the dentist to get them pulled. They discovered some cavities while they were in there so she had a pretty big ordeal going on in her mouth that day. They wouldn't let me go back for some reason and I knew she wouldn't like that so I went to the front and pretty much demanded to go back. I found her with the laughing gas over her nose and watching the Chipmunk movie on a TV on the ceiling and she didn't act like she cared that I was there. I went back out and left them to it and when she was finished she came out with cotton in her mouth and she was mad! She didn't like it that I left her in there alone and she didn't like it that she couldn't feel her mouth and she was just miserable! What's funny (well not really funny but more almost sad) is that they mentioned that her lower jaw isn't growing as fast as the rest of her mouth and I just hung my head and sighed. I had noticed it but I was hoping she wouldn't be as bad as I was. It looks like she may have it worse because mine wasn't showing up when I was as young as she is. It looks like she may have to have my jaw surgery one day too. *sigh*
She also woke up on Halloween morning really sick and I had to take her to the Minute Clinic where she turned up positive for strep throat. She got some antibiotics and slept most of the day, but she was too miserable to go trick or treating. She got dressed and tried but after three houses she just couldn't take it and I took her home. She had to stay home sick on her birthday one year too, and she just thinks she has the worse luck with holidays! Devon was really charming and brought home more candy than Landon so we had more than enough candy to share with her.
I'm looking at my post for this time and I hate it that I don't have more pictures, but the sad thing is that I just lost my phone on Friday and it had all my pictures in it! I had pictures of them on Halloween and Bailey getting her teeth done and all kinds of fun stuff. I had it in the pocket of my jacket when we dropped Bailey off at a Brownie camp out, and then when we drove off in the golf cart, Landon got in my lap and started bouncing around. When we got home it wasn't in my pocket anymore and I went back looking for it and calling it but I never did find it. I should be getting a new one in the mail today, but in the mean time my blog has very few pictures in it.
I did take some of Landon playing basketball in the parking lot of the church while we waited for Bailey to be finished with her choir rehearsals. Bailey is going to be in a Christmas program sometime in December so I'll be sure to get some shots of that for later. Anyway, after Landon's incident in PE his teacher lets him do what the class is doing or just play basketball, and I hear that he chooses basketball every time. He's getting pretty good at it. I say we mold this skill since he's already super tall and we may be looking at a boy that's going to get up to 6 foot 5 someday. Ben's brothers are about that height, so I say let him play basketball all his wants!

Here are some pictures that I took with my phone that I did get uploaded before I lost my phone. I did post most of these on Facebook but I'm going to go ahead and post them here too because I really love them!

This is Devon running in this shot

I'll be taking more pictures as soon as I get my new phone in the mail. This blog post was a litte disorganized but I didn't have one specific story that I wanted to tell. I am truthfully stalling and doing whatever I can to keep from doing to work that I need to do. This is the last month of my last semester and I have tons of projects, papers, case studies, observation reports, and exams coming up in the next few weeks. I may end up posting more now that I'm super busy just because I need to take breaks now and then. I'll try to make my next post more interesting, but for now, lets all be appreciative that my post was fairly tame. I know I am!