So let me get to the story. This did involve Landon, but for once, it wasn't his fault. I took Landon and Devon up to Whole Foods with me (Bailey is still in Arizona/California), and I had only grabbed a few things when Landon said he had to use the bathroom. I left my cart and followed after him back to the bathrooms and found that he had already run into the men's room. He prefers the men's room because he loves to use the urinal. I stood there outside the door listening for him and I heard him say he was going to wash his hands, and I asked through the door if he was okay. The lady that was cleaning the bathrooms said to me "You can go on in with him. There's no one in there." I looked inside and saw that it was indeed empty so I went in to help Landon wash his hands and try to hurry him up. I had just said to him "We need to hurry up before someone else comes in here." when I noticed that there was already some man standing at the urinal right next to me going to the bathroom! I guess I didn't hear him come in, but I was mortified that a stranger was standing at the urinal using it right next to me, so I ran right out of the bathroom! Landon and Devon didn't follow me so I stood outside yelling at them (admittedly too crazily) to get out of the bathroom! I was so embarrassed that I just paid for the groceries that I had in my cart and ran out of the store. I got to thinking about it, and I just want to know what the heck that guy was thinking! When he walked in and saw a woman helping her kids wash their hands, why did he go ahead and just start using the urinal right next to that woman? He was wearing a suit, so he wasn't some random bum off the street. I thought "Maybe he just really had to go, and I was in the men's room after all" but he could have used the toilet! The whole situation was just too weird. I'm going to have to start making Landon go to the women's room just so that I can help him and not get walked in on again. Jeez. Using public bathrooms is so stressful!